"Dans la confusion de notre époque quand une centaine de voix contradictoires prétend parler au nom de l'Orthodoxie, il est essentiel de savoir à qui l'on peut faire confiance. Il ne suffit pas de prétendre parler au nom de l'Orthodoxie patristique, il faut être dans la pure tradition des saints Pères ... "
Père Seraphim (Rose) de bienheureuse mémoire

vendredi 1 février 2019

Le livre de Jean-Claude LARCHET sur les maladies des médias est paru en anglais

Available now! This spring title just arrived in our warehouse!

Jean-Claude Larchet on New Media's social and spiritual costs

New Hardcover edition of My Life in Christ

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The New Media Epidemic
The Undermining of Society, Family, and Our Own Soul

by Jean-Claude Larchet
trans. Archibald Andrew Torrance

Pbk ISBN: 978-0-88465-471-1
6" x 9" * 208 pages

Pre-publication price through Feb. 28th: $17.95 (18% discount)
Philosopher and patrologist Dr Jean-Claude Larchet, renowned for his examinations of patristic writings on the causes and consequences of spiritual and physical illness, here tackles the pressing question of the societal and personal effects of our use of new media. The definition of new media is broad - from radio to smart phones - and the analysis of their impact is honest and straightforward. His meticulous diagnosis of their effects concludes with a discussion of the ways individuals might limit and counteract the most deleterious effects of this new epidemic and preserve our essential humanity.

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