dimanche 15 novembre 2015

Au Paradis des Pères du Désert

“While abba Macarius was praying in his cave in the desert, a hyena suddenly appeared and began to lick his feet and taking him gently by the hem of his tunic, she drew him towards her own cave. He followed her, saying, “I wonder what this animal wants me to do?” When she had led him to her cave, she went in and brought her cubs which had been born blind. He prayed over them and returned them to the hyena with their sight healed. She in turn, by way of thankoffering, brought the man the huge skin of a ram and laid it at his feet. He smiled at her as if at a kind person and taking the skin spread it under him.”
—    The Paradise of the Desert Fathes

"Alors qu'Abba Macaire priait dans sa grotte au désert, une hyène apparut soudain et commença à lécher ses pieds et le prenant doucement par le pan de sa tunique, elle l'attira vers sa propre grotte. 

Il la suivit, en disant: "Je me demande ce que cet animal veut que je fasse?" 

Quand elle l'eut conduit à sa grotte, elle entra et lui apporta ses petits qui étaient nés aveugles. Il pria pour eux et les restitua à la hyène avec leur vue guérie. 

Elle, à son tour, afin de le remercier, apporta à l'homme l'énorme peau d'un bélier et la posa à ses pieds. Il lui sourit, comme à une gentille personne et en prenant la peau l'étala sous lui."

Version française Claude Lopez-Ginisty

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