vendredi 15 octobre 2010

Sur Orthodoxphotos. com: Les reliques de notre Père parmi les saints Jean de Changhaï

Shrine with the relics of the holy hierarch John
Reliquaire de saint Jean

St. John Maximovitch lying in state immediately after his repose

Saint Jean peu de temps après sa naissance au Ciel

'It is hardly to doubt that Vladyka manifestly pleased God by his truly ascetic life and struggle of prayer. It is worthy of attention that when we served his funeral on the sixth day (for various reasons I was long delayed en route, and they waited a long time for the funeral on Thursday, at six o'clock in the evening), his coffin stood open. Not only were there no signs of bodily decomposition whatsoever, but Vladyka lay as one sleeping; his hands had their usual appearance and color and were soft and warm... his incorruption was obvious' (from a letter of Metropolitan Philaret)

Saint Jean pendant l'office de pannikhide

The relics of the holy hierarch John after washing and revesting

Saint Jean revêtu d'une soutane après l'invention des reliques

After having washed the relics, the priests are vesting the saint in his bishop's vestments

Les reliques sont habillées

The holy relics arrayed in new hierarchal vestments and placed in a new coffin. Around - participants.

Saint Jean vêtu en hiérarque après l'invention de ses reliques

In accord with the elevated mood the hierarchal Gospel reading proclaims: 'I am the good Shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine... and I lay down My life for the sheep.'

Glorification de notre Père parmi les saints Jean 

A little girl venerating the holy relics

Petite fille vénérant les reliques de saint Jean

Photos des reliques de saint Jean de Changhaï sur

Vie des startsy de Grèce, Roumanie et Russie,
Photos, icônes...

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